I am the SpottR app
I use AI, geolocation and smart contracts to organise users into efficient sub communities that can organize for various events; broader or niched networking, smarter trading & governance. Yes, governance...
Let me break this down for you in easy to ready English 😏
So I make finding wealth creating opportunities easy & on-point. Whether you're looking to buy a product or service, find a job, find a spot, join a clique, plan a trip or find anything from anywhere in the world
Before we proceed, I found a way to bring back the old fashioned Trade by Barter but, hold on, that isn’t the only cool feature I pack
See how I make wealth creation easy
1. Opportunities spotlighting/matching and my interactive map
I help users find suppliers that are close to them and help them verify that the product, service or opportunity is relevant and active using advanced database queries and optimize with 2 way confirmation
2. Value Chains
For opportunities that require logistics fulfillment, I immediately make a smart mood switch to recommend logistics support to the user who decides to bear the brunt. Yes. I bring everyone to the party 🥳 on equal footing.
3. Borderless transactions & Cryptocurrency
I got the guys to implement an ERC20 token (cryptocurrency) to facilitate borderless transactions and to make it easy for everyone to do business across borders. My Central Bank @CliqToken will brief you.
No smartphone, I got you. No data network, relax. I make everything easy remember?
5. Multilevel Marketplaces
In the spottr kingdom, there are markets within markets. Corporate users can set up & administer their own ecosystems. Buy, sell, publish, pay and approve or delete members of their clan without disrupting the general ecosystem
Infact, corporate users can set limits on what to push in to the general marketplace, decide on what products to show to the general market place and can aggregate products from multiple clan vendors to fulfill one order request.
6. Community tasks
Citizens can participate in or undertake tasks like 'help me bring my laptop charger, for $10'
Tasks help them grow wealth, rank up the leaderboard and positions them for 👇🏽
7. Savings and Loans
I can help users who engage in community tasks grow/make wealth through small credits and loans for transactions and growth. Community engagement is how I know members to trust.
More to come.........
For more information about our project, follow us on
Twitter : TheSpottrApp_
Facebook: TheSpottrApp