30 days to the end of CLIQ Presale.
Truly, Opportunities come and go, but not without giving you a window to grab them or jump in, if it’s one too big to grab. Information and preparedness are usually the determining factors between the great gainers and the lousy losers.
Well, add trust to the two factors mentioned above. Many have fallen for scams which were credibly packaged and presented and then blame themselves for being too gullible. Now, they’ve chosen to not trust any opportunity they see, especially if it looks or feels similar to one they got defrauded from.
Is that really the best move? To stay safe and not make any new gains? Yes.
Great gains require great risks.
Should you stop applying for jobs just because you got fired from one? Should you stop investing altogether because you made a loss from investing? Should you stop investing in Presales or ICO’s or hodling crypto assets because the last one you invested in packed up and fled with investor funds and the asset market crashed? If those questions feel rhetorical, that’s because they should and they all have an obvious answer which need not even be mentioned.
Indeed those events makes selecting the grounds to lay trust really difficult, but nevertheless trust must be laid down to take that step into a new horizon.
You’ll find below, some brief information. Please read carefully.
CLIQ Token is an ERC-20 utility token which will power the already live SpottR social ecosystem, facilitating business transactions, consumer consumption and producer production with credits and loans, powering an agent network, other marketing affiliate networks and more. Learn more at cliqtoken.com; download and read our token terms.
It sells now in the presale stage for $0.03 per CLIQ and will sell for $0.2 at the main stage Initial Coin Offering (ICO). That’s some nice capital gains, right?
Now we’ve provided you with the opportunity information, an opportunity now with a 30-day window.
You don’t trust us enough? What’s stopping you from doing more research or even contacting the team, after-all we are everywhere you could possibly go on the digital space and are prepared to answer all your questions with proofs of concepts with enough strength to lift the burden of credibility.
I think the real question is, are you prepared or not? If not, why not?
We keep Spotting!
Visit our websites or join or our communities for more info and other enquiries.
Cliqtoken Website: Cliqtoken.com
SpottR Website: thespottrapp.com
SpottR Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Je4Vm0TEBSZXSAkDM5UdgQ
SpottR Discord: https://discord.gg/rMVcWPU
SpottR Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/theSpottrApp